Entries by Andrea

My Search for the Holy Grail of Wine (Seriously Spoofing the Monty Python Classic)

It was my husband John’s idea to spoof Monty Python and the Holy Grail because he, like many guys, is a “can-quote-every-line-by-heart” fan of this classic, and could never get enough of it. And, as they say in the movie: “We’ve already got one”–actually, two–holy grails of gastronomy in my home region of the Napa Valley: The French Laundry, and our world class Cabernet Sauvignon, both of which make cameos. The fact that we’ve also “already got one” full-on medieval castle, the Castello di Amorosa winery, clinched the deal.

It’s Thanksgiving wine time, but…where’s Napa?

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so I’m excited. But I’m also kinda peeved. The happy part is that the Thanksgiving holiday entwines three of life’s greatest rewards: family, home, and sharing food and wine. I feel especially thankful because for me, all of that coalesces around the Napa Valley, my home for the last ten years, and America’s grand cru on the global wine stage.